
Tomberg tarot
Tomberg tarot

Moreover, there are other sources which he refuses to reveal, at least not publicly, as he explains: More controversial is Seiss’ claim that much of the work was revealed to him from Rudolf Steiner and Valentin Tomberg in their postmortem states. The loose leaf pages imply that the work will be ongoing, simply because (as he writes) evolution, or spiritual realization, is incomplete. Although the group that continues Seiss’ work is rather closed, it was never Willi’s intention to keep the texts private. Chakra Work is currently available only in German. Achamoth Press has provided a valuable service in making Tomberg’s Our Father Course available in both German and English editions. Seiß was an independent Anthroposophist who was concerned to protect and promulgate the works of Valentin Tomberg through the Achamoth Press. And then, for the past year, I have been recovering from a health problem and am only just now regaining full strength, allowing me to return to these texts. There was a period of time necessary to absorb the texts. I was asked to do something with the Work. Battles are lost almost always morally the real victor like the real loser is the one who believes he is.Just over two years ago, an anonymous source sent me two large binders filled with loose leaf pages of revelations from Willi Seiß, founder of the Free Hermetic Christian Study Center.

tomberg tarot

Pour l’homme de droite, être libre ne consiste pas à faire ce que l’on veut, mais à faire ce qui est conforme à l’ordre naturel voulu par Dieu. The strong man strikes only when it is absolutely necessary, and then nothing stops him. The divine sleeps in the rock, breathes in the plant, dreams in the animal, and wakes in man.

tomberg tarot

To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly. On se lasse de penser, et même d'agir jamais on ne se lasse d'aimer. I believe in being free, acquiring knowledge, and telling the truth. To live is to change, to be perfect is to have changed often. AugustineĪ man of talent is like a marksman who hits a target others cannot hit, but the man of genius is like a marksman who hits a target others cannot see.

tomberg tarot

Noli foras ire, in te ipsum redi: in interiore hominis habitat veritas. Par l'espace, l'univers me comprend et m'engloutit comme un point par la penseé, je le comprends.~ PascalĪ common man marvels at uncommon things a wise man marvels at the commonplace. Some men return to their past, so that new forces may arise for the reconquest ~ J.

Tomberg tarot